What is the Rohner Concept?
The Rohner Concept was founded around 20 years ago by Swiss physician Dr Wolfgang Rohner and has been continuously developed further. It is a nutritional concept, not a diet. Medical analyses are used to determine which metabolic type you belong to.
Accordingly, you are recommended foods that help you to break down existing fat deposits and prevent new ones from forming. The concept enables targeted weight loss in the right places without starving yourself, without counting calories, without exercise and without additional products.
Is the Rohner Concept successful?
The Rohner Concept has been successfully tried and tested by over 30,000 patients over the last 20 years. A broad-based customer survey has shown that around 50% of patients were able to maintain their ideal weight (/-3kg) even years later. Only 5% experienced the much-feared yo-yo effect.
How does the Rohner Concept work?
Based on medical analyses, we find out how well you can utilise individual foods, how great your ability is to build up hidden reserves (hyperinsulinism) and how well you can mobilise the reserves you have built up. Thanks to this medical data, you can be assigned to a specific metabolic type. The classification of foods into risk groups specific to you is the result of comprehensive food chemistry analyses and many years of experience.
Who is the Rohner Concept suitable for?
The Rohner Concept is suitable for overweight people as well as for customers who value the ideal figure. Overweight people usually have a career of dieting behind them. The aim here is to break through the well-known yo-yo effect.
Normal-weight customers usually have the following goals:
Correct figure problems (riding breeches, beer belly).
Maintain an optimum figure without having to fight for it.
Avoiding possible figure problems with a family predisposition.
Model type: Achieve the ideal figure with little effort and without starvation.
What are the advantages of the Rohner Concept?
The advantages of the Rohner Concept are: no hunger pangs, no calorie counting, losing weight in the right places, no mood swings, more energy and a better body feeling. In a customer survey, patients have also increasingly pointed out that they hardly suffer from sleep disorders, heartburn, flatulence, joint pain or migraines any more.
Treatment procedure
Preparation Please remember that the planned examinations can only be carried out if you arrive at the practice at the scheduled time without breakfast. Black coffee or tea with sweetener and mineral water are permitted before and during the examination. Firstly, the doctor will ask you about your eating habits, then your weight and measurements will be taken. You will then be giv
en a dextrose solution to drink. Blood samples will then be taken every hour to analyse your carbohydrate metabolism. You can leave the practice between the individual samples, but you must not eat anything during this time and only drink the above-mentioned beverages.
Once all the test results are available, the doctor will then discuss the nutritional concept appropriate to your metabolism in a second consultation. Additional factors such as physique, predisposition and age must also be taken into account. You should assume that the concept I use is not a diet (= temporary sparing diet) for a certain period of time, but that we want to show you which foods are very dangerous for your weight and figure and which you can eat to your heart's content and still lose weight. The aim of the assessment and treatment is to find a way of life that will prevent you from being overweight and having figure problems in the future and that will allow you to feel good and live harmoniously in a healthy body.
For more information, please visit the following website
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